Task 45: Climate and Sustainability Effects of Bioenergy within the Circular Bioeconomy

Task 45: Climate and Sustainability Effects of Bioenergy within the Circular Bioeconomy

Workshop on forests, forestry and carbon balances 27th March 2024

In cooperation between IEA Bioenergy, Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP), and University of Surrey, a workshop with invited people under the title Forests, forestry and carbon balances: Importance of policies and forest sector responses, was held. The workshop was a follow up on earlier T45 workshops on forests, forestry, carbon balances, and carbon accounting. This time we discussed how policies and forest sector responses influence forest carbon balances and carbon storage in forests and forest products.

Agenda with direct links to presentations.

Session 1. Comparing different regions and countries. Moderator: Annette Cowie

09:15-09:45     Forest sector development in Nordic countries 1960-2017. Gustaf Egnell, Associate Professor of Forest Bioenergy, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

09:45-10:15      Forestry and climate change mitigation in Quebec. Evelyne Thiffault, Associate Professor – Department of Wood and forest Sciences, Laval University.

10:15-10:45     Carbon implications of managing native forests in Australia. Fabiano Ximenes, Senior Research Scientist, NSW Department of Primary Industries.

11:15-11:45      Global forest investments and carbon neutrality in forest stocks. Brent Sohngen, Professor – Environmental Economics, Ohio State University

11:45-12:15     Commercial afforestation in the UK. Eilidh Forster, PhD Student – School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University.

Session 2: Global studies and methodological issues Moderator: Zoe Harris

13:30-14:00     Role of AFOLU sector in meeting short and long-term mitigation targets. Nicklas Forsell, Senior Research Scholar, Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group, International Institute for applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

14:00-14:30     A Global Assessment of Regional Forest Carbon Leakage. Adam Daigneault, E.L. Giddings Associate Professor of Forest Policy and Economics, University of Maine

15:15-15:45     Companywide reporting of GHG emissions: GHGP Land sector and removals guidance, Annette Cowie, Senior Principal Research Scientist – Climate, NSW Department of Primary Industries.

15:45-16:15     Reflections, Robert Matthews, Science Group Leader, Forest Research, UK

16:15-16:45 Göran Berndes, Discussion and Close

Summary and conclusions